Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Dr. Steven DavidSon is the High Presbyter, leader of Amazing Things The Church, the nation’s (US) largest (exclusively) virtual church in its fourth decade of service. The ministry has a Saints' Support web enterprise of 20 web sites, and several social media platforms (Facebook 7 Pages, YouTube repository, IG and Others). The heart of the daily live programming is Amazing Things The Church Legacy page with thousands each day and 3-4 million attending a month… 

Dr DavidSon who has been in ministry more than half a century is the author of all the Christ-based books. He created the Christ-based counseling modality for those in Christ-Jesus. He has an extensive writing portfolio on nearly every contemporary topic and His notes on every chapter in the Bible are at He also possesses  a growing video catalog of more than 5,000 videos. As a web-based ministry pioneer since 1997, he’s among a select few who have written so extensively in the contemporary framework of web-based delivery, demonstrated by the web enterprise of the ministry. In-short, there’s nothing like it managed under one global ministry. Millions have witnessed his works worldwide.

 He is scholarly as a Biblical researcher but also pragmatic, sharing the Word of God with clarity…His advanced education including two undergraduate degrees, two graduate degrees and a doctorate (MDiv, DMin) formed the basis for extensive studies over five decades and a broad knowledge-base. This is so evident not only by his writings but during his Facebook-live Question and Answer programming, teaching and preaching, and meme-messages daily each week… 24/7/365…

Dr DavidSon has a wife, Bobbie, three adult children and four grand children… living in the Dallas Metroplex. More than all, his love and endless drive for Christ-Jesus parallels what we witness in First Century Saints…

While thousands of leaders have fallen to political-apostasy or gross moral failure, by the grace of God, his light in Christ-Jesus shines daily to the furthermost reaches of the planet.  The World is witness to His End of this Age, Final Church Generation, Willing to Die for Christ conviction. He welcomes you to follow him as he follows Christ-Jesus each day